The Senate took up its version of the budget bill this past Tuesday March 25th. It passed without opposition. The House version is several weeks behind. The mechanics of this process are the Senate will send their version of the bill over to the House, the House will replace it with the House version, pass it and send it back to the Senate. The Senate will not accept the House version and call for a conference committee and that is when the real work will begin. They will spend a good portion of the month of April hashing out the details before a final compromise version is put before the membership of both bodies. Keep in mind the ONLY bill that is required to pass during the legislative session is the budget.
This past March 14th (midnight) was the bill filing deadline. From this point forward only local bills or bills with unanimous consent can be introduced. It looks like a total of around 8,700 bills and resolutions were introduced. You may recall that at the beginning of this session I reported that about 15% actually get signed by the Governor or allowed to become law without his signature. We will see if that trend continues this session. The ultimate success of any particular bill may very well depend on who votes in favor of vouchers.
While the Senate has had a floor calendar along with a variety of Senate bills already passed, the House has yet to have a real calendar. This discrepancy between the Senate and the House processes is normal for this time of year. The House takes longer to get organized, longer to pass a bill out of committee and longer to get through the process and get it to the floor. While the Senate does not have a “calendar” committee (the Lt. Governor determines the calendar) the House has an extra step. Once a bill has been voted out of the committee to which it was referred, it must go to the Calendars committee which sets the final schedule for the floor. At that point the bills are taken in the order in which they appear on the calendar and are considered and either passed and/or amended and passed on second and third reading or not. If they fail passage that is the end of that particular bill. Although, it is not unusual to see the language once again as an amendment on another bill. If it is a House bill it then goes to the Senate and the process begins again. If it is a Senate bill and it us unchanged in the House it can go straight to the Governor for his consideration. If it is amended, it returns to the Senate to consider the House changes. If the Senate agrees to the House changes it goes to the Governor, if the Senate does not agree to House changes they can request a conference committee to work out the differences. Once the conference committee comes to an agreement it then goes back to both Houses for final approval (or not) and if it is approved then it goes to the Governor for his consideration.
It sounds complicated (and it is) but the system ensures that we are not flooded with new laws every 2 years. As a taxpayer that is probably a good thing.
On March 4th, Texas Desal hosted our 2nd TXD Legislative Workshop in Austin, at the Austin Club. (Same site as last session). We needed a bigger room. Interest in desalination and its future has become “a thing”. We had an excellent lineup of presentations including House Natural Resources Chairman Cody Harris and Andrew Parks, Senator Perry’s Committee director. While the accommodations were a little cramped, I think everyone walked away feeling good about the increased interest in desalination and better informed as to the water availability (or lack thereof) in Texas and potential solutions on the horizon.
The 2 main water bills this session, SB 7 and HB 16, have been filed and referred. The SB has already been heard and voted out of committee. The bills are different so lots of wrangling to go but the level of interest and focus by the members in both chambers bodes well for the ultimate success of new water focused legislation. We will continue to monitor the progress of both bills.
The Texas Desalination Association has testified (TXD president Bill Norris) on both bills and will continue to participate at the committee level as these bills move through the process.
As always there are several bills that your association monitors throughout the legislative session. We will keep our members informed as to the intent of these proposed bills and how they might impact our future water needs and the state of Texas as a whole. Water is a focus this legislative session, we will take advantage while the iron is hot.