Lawmakers push to spend billions of dollars for water projects and debate which ones to prioritize
Read the Texas Tribune article
Creating Infrastructure Pathways in Texas: Water and Broadband
Austin, TX, February 10, 2025 – Texas Water Foundation and Texas Rural Funders have released a new report highlighting urgent workforce challenges affecting Texas’ water and broadband infrastructure sectors.
Read the Report
Texas has a big water problem. This state lawmaker hopes he has the solution.
Read the Texas Tribune article
Recycled oilfield water could aid drought-stricken West Texas
Read The Texas Tribune article
TCEQ Accepts Water from Mexico Under 1944 Treaty
Water to provide much-needed relief to communities in the Rio Grande Valley… Read More
New South Texas Water Working Group looking for sustainable water solutions
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2024 Texas Produced Water Consortium Report to the Texas Legislature
Texas is the New Arizona, and Not in a Good Way
Read the article.
TWDB approves $10,000,000 to Laguna Madre Water District for seawater desalination plant
Read the article.
As the Rio Grande runs dry, South Texas cities look to alternatives for water
Read the Texas Tribune article.
Read: TCEQ’s The Advocate, “For and about small businesses and local governments affected by environmental regulations.”
Enhancing Texas’ Water Supplies
Desalination offers a viable, drought-proof solution to water needs in the Lone Star State.
Nearly 100 inland desalination facilities across Texas produce 138 million gallons of water per day from the 2.7 billion acre-feet of brackish water in our aquifers. Seawater desal is coming soon to Texas along the Gulf Coast—stay tuned. These untapped, dependable waters can free up existing fresh water supplies for other uses and for in-stream flows — starting now and into the future.